The Journal of Daesoon Academy of Sciences
The Daesoon Academy of Sciences

증산사상과 DMZ 세계생태평화공원: 한반도 상등국 천지공사를 중심으로

Jeong-Wan Kim1,
1Daejin University
Corresponding Author : Jeong-Wan Kim

ⓒ Copyright 2014, The Daesoon Academy of Sciences. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Received: Oct 31, 2014 ; Accepted: Dec 29, 2014

Published Online: Jun 01, 2017


Jeungsan(甑山) carried out the Universal Redesign(天地公事) through which the former world full of a mutual opposition(相克) can be peacefully transferred into the latter world composed of a mutual beneficence(相生). Although the Universal Redesign consists of such three factors heaven, earth, and human, it converges towards Human Redesign in that humans are the main agents for heaven and earth. Human as Redesign object is characterized as a member of community, not an anarchistic individual. The Universal Resign of Jeungsan is eventually connected with the construction of a country comprising a mutual beneficence in that it is the most typical strain among all the human communities. His Universal Resign for foundering the foremost country does not target all the countries, but only one country upon and through which the world with a mutual beneficence can be formed. He executed the Universal Redesign based on such three principles as Haewon sangsaeng(解冤相生), Boeunsangsaeng(報恩相生), and Wonsibanbon (原始返本),

Judging from such principles, Korea can be naturally selected as the target of the Universal Redesign for constructing the foremost country. It is approaching when the Universal Redesign in order to transform Korea into the foremost country comes true. The first step for Korea to be made as the foremost country is the construction of DMZ World Peace Park (DWPP) which was proposed by Bak Geunhye, the Korean President, to Obama, the President of USA, in 2013 she visited there. DWPP can be expected to be a center for corporation and interchange between South and North Korea under the interest and support of the world including UN, furthermore, the Capital area of reunified Korea, and finally the world hub of inter national political and economic relation. DWPP is planned to be built at the core of the best place in Korea which is a propitious spot all over the world, upon which a new world capitalism order armed with mutual beneficence can spread.

Keywords: Universal Redesign; DMZ World Peace Park; Haewonsangsaeng; Boeunsangsaeng; Wonsibanbon



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