The Journal of Daesoon Academy of Sciences
The Daesoon Academy of Sciences

다원주의 시대에서 대순사상의 세계시민성 가치연구

Yong-Hwan Kim1,
1Chungbuk National University
Corresponding Author : Yong-Hwan Kim

ⓒ Copyright 2014, The Daesoon Academy of Sciences. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Received: May 31, 2014 ; Accepted: Jul 27, 2014

Published Online: Jun 01, 2017


This article intends to examine the value of the world citizenship in the perspective from the root meaning that is stressed as the behavior style of Daesoon thoughts in relation with ‘desirable attitude of life in education of morality. Traditional root meaning of Daesoon thoughts turned out to be proper moral behavior principle such as Yin Yang harmonious virtue, God Humane keeping unity, and conviviality with regrets settlement. Such three principles of Daesoon Thoughts show the characteristic of global code such as respect of life, solidarity unity, and tolerant trust. To revise the phenomenon of duality, and to realize the human awakening in radically changing reality, we need to cultivate world citizenship based on the root meaning of Daesoon thoughts.

Daesoon thoughts covering the East and the West, especially the key features of religion, can cultivate the world view of citizenship in the era of plural society based on folk beliefs toward Gucheon Sangje faith as the essence of the multiplism. The world citizenship of human society is necessary to unite the world in the unified construction cooperative spirits. All beings need to be away from antagonistic confrontation with the practice of mutual conviviality. The diameter of acquired joining world citizenship can have the opportunity to realize of Gucheon Sangje’s Heaven and earth construction.

The root meaning of Daesoon thoughts can contribute to moral practicality with world citizenship by practice of heavenly truth and human truth. First, cultivating heavenly truth by means of insight can develope the profound world citizenship. Secondly, the solidarity of the public and private can cultivate public citizenship. Thirdly, in the crisis of the mankind, this awakening conviviality can be foundation for world citizenship of public communication. Fourthly, the spirit that would not deceive ownself can be contributed to cultivating the world citizenship by means of the process of internalizing Daesoon thoughts.

Nowadays in the plural society demanding world citizenship, the public citizenship can deepen the spirit of respect of life, solidarity unity, and tolerant trust in the process of world citizenship cultivation. In the future, the world citizenship can be deepen the alternative of practice in the continuous cultivation of world citizenship. In this process, we can form the culture of coexistence which can contribute to human society as well as korean society by developing the value of living together happiness through the guide of this phonesis.

Keywords: world citizenship; respect of life; solidarity unity; tolerant trust; root meaning of Daesoon thoughts; Gucheon Sangje



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