심의민주주의에 대한 해원상생사상의 정치철학적 함의
Received: May 31, 2014 ; Accepted: Jul 27, 2014
Published Online: Jun 01, 2017
This article’s purpose is to overcome the inadequacy of deliberative democracy for communication on the basis of Haewonsangsaeng. The inadequacy of deliberative democracy for communication is presented as the following two. First, as deliberative democracy treats civic virtue as instrumental thing, deliberative democracy is still in moral solipsism. Second, as deliberative democracy doesn’t consider ‘the inequality of power’ among diverse political positions, the project of deliberative democracy for communication ends up in the exposure of the inequality of power among diverse political positions.
Sangsaeng in Haewonsangsaeng concerned with inter-relationship over individualism treats civic virtue as original motility. In this context, Sangsaeng in Haewonsangsaeng is the alternative notion to overcome the first inadequacy of deliberative democracy for communication. Haewon in Haewonsangsaengas is the condition for Sangsaeng. and Haewon’s method is to exclude or to eliminate the structural frame of Sanggeuk meaning mutual conflict and antagonism. This article presents two structural frame of Sanggeuk. First, First structural obstacle as internal obstacle is suggested through analyzing pluralism on the basis of existential philosophy. The result of the analysis is the ‘antagonism’ between the hegemonical value and the peripheral value. Second structural obstacle as external obstacle is the extinction of public sphere caused by the growth of market and the expansion of bureaucracy.