The Journal of Daesoon Academy of Sciences
The Daesoon Academy of Sciences

대순진리회 교화의 역사적 전형(典型)에 관한 연구

Kyung-Un Back1,
1대순진리회 교무부ㆍ연구위원
1Division of Cultural Affairs, Daesoonjinrihoe
Corresponding Author : Kyung-Un Back

ⓒ Copyright 2014, The Daesoon Academy of Sciences. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Received: Aug 31, 2013 ; Accepted: Mar 09, 2014

Published Online: Jun 01, 2017


Edification in Daesoonjinrihoe is not only a phenomenon that occurs following the differences of religious experience or spiritual development among the community members, which enables the members to share teaching and learning experiences with one another, but also an issue determined as one of the major activities of the religious order and a plan for achieving the purpose of the religiousorder-Podeokchenha(WordlyPropagation), Gujechansaeng (Salvation of all mankind) and Jisangcheonguk Geonseol(Building of earthly paradise). The purpose of this article is to clarify its concept and provide an example of edification, through considering the historical model for edification to help the cultivators with their work of edification.

The archetype of edification of Daesoonjinrihoe was formed and gradually developed in phases by Sangje, Kang Jeungsan, the Supreme God(姜甑山, 1871-1909), Doju, Jo Jeongsan(趙鼎山, 1895-1958) and Dojeon, Park Wudang(朴牛堂, 1917-1995), by the three of whom the Religious Authority was succeeded.

Sangje descended to the human world and preached to people to live by the rule of Haewon Sangsaeng(Resolution of grievances for the mutual beneficences of all life) and set an example of abolishing the old customs, living in mutual beneficences and having respect for human being. Doju, in revering the last will of Sangje, established the religious order by setting its creed, rituals and activities, which formed most contents of the archetype of edification.

Dojeon set up a religious faith system by firmly establishing the Religious Authority and performed the True Law in accordance with Sangje's program of heaven to educate the cultivators to achieve the goal of self-cultivation following the last will of Doju. Through this, a perfect method to reach the state of Dotong(The Truly Unified State of Dao) is fulfilled. In this way, the archetype of edification was formed in the process of succession of Religious Authority. In conclusion, edification in Daesoonjinrihoe contributes to a 'systematic conveyance and understanding’ through the historical archetype of edification, and it can be described as a concept that becomes a model to put into practice the 'True Law' of teachings given by two Sangjes for Dotong.

Therefore, edification of Daesoonjinrihoe is drawing attention of its development as an important activity that realizes the ultimate value of the religious order because it solves the problems of immorality(absence of Dao), disorder and disregard of human value generated from the other side of this material civilization, with the truth of Haewon Sangsaeng, and has a function of rebuilding and leading the individuals and the society to the Truly Unified State of Dao through performing of the True Law.

Keywords: edification; archetype; creed; true law; religious system; religious authority; springhead; human rectification; building of earthly paradise



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