The Journal of Daesoon Academy of Sciences
The Daesoon Academy of Sciences
Focus Unit

대순진리회 강성상제의 신격과 그 의미: 강성(姜聖)의 의미를 중심으로

Nam-Sik Ko1,
1Daejin University
Corresponding Author : Nam-Sik Ko

ⓒ Copyright 2014, The Daesoon Academy of Sciences. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Received: Aug 31, 2013 ; Accepted: Mar 09, 2014

Published Online: Jun 01, 2017


As a primary family name, Sangje’s incarnation family name Gang plays a leading edge role of religious activity of Sangje because primary family name Gang represents the one and only Truth(眞法) or the principle of Wensibanbon which means the union[unity] of religion and politics(政敎一致), and combining saintliness and heroism (聖雄兼備). According to the one and only Truth(眞法) like this, the first emergence and role of the completely “DoTongKunJa”(道通君子, the perfection of man with Dotong) who Sang-Je declared will build the union[unity] of religion and politics shows realization of advance-oriented salvation.

Under the principle of Yangsan(兩山, twin mountain, 甑山, 鼎山, the three-story Maitreya Statue of Geumsan Temple) which implies emergence of the completely “DoTongKunJa”(道通君子) who will accomplish the union[unity] of religion and politics(政敎一致), combining saintliness and heroism(聖雄兼備) and advent of the one and only Truth(眞法出現).

This could be possible by the almighty of Sangje who incarnated in Gang’s family name according to the principle of Wensibanbon from the text Jeonkyung(典經) as shown. Adjusting family lineage(血統) means to straighten out the relation between ancestors and descendants, and which has close relation with the activity after Sangje’s incarnation in Gang’s family name according to the principle of Wensibanbon. As far as family lineage was concerned, there are three aspects of close relation between ancestors and descendants. First, general connection between ancestors and descendants, Second Dotong(道通)-related connection, Third after -death entrance(冥府)-related connection.

Descendants should know a family history from moral laws of family relationships(天倫) by the Compatibility principle. As for second Dotong-related connection between ancestors and descendants, the fact descendants’ Dotong can be accomplished by the act of ancestors’ charity shows human beings world(人間界) where descendants live has close organic relation with divine world(神明界) where ancestors live.

As for third after-death entrance-related connection between ancestors and descendants, after-death entrance are totally related with both Heavenly order(天道) of ancestors and Humane-order(人道) of descendants.

At this point, we can see the relation between ancestors and descendants are very close and organic.

As shown from the text Jeonkyung, Sangje as Gucheon Sangje(九天上帝, the Lord and Creator of the Great Origin of the Ninth Heaven) and Maitreya(彌勒尊佛) has descended to the earth adopting Gang’s family name according to principle Wensibanbon. By Sangje’s incarnation in Gang’s family name, the legitimacy of the religion and the perfection of Do could be successed under the law of Yangsan(兩山). Furthermore, Sangje realize the one and only Truth by Adjusting family lineage and producing the completely “true man” through Cheonji Gongsa.

Keywords: Gucheon Sangje; Gangseong; Maitreya; Yangsan; Wonsibanbon; combining saintliness and heroism; DoTongKunJa



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