대순진리의 도가적 배경에 관한 고찰
Received: Jul 03, 2009 ; Revised: Jul 22-29, 2009 ; Accepted: Aug 08, 2009
Published Online: Aug 25, 2009
The purpose of this study is to examine the mutual similarities between DaesoonJinri(大巡眞理) and Taoism thought as well as the thought mechanism of DaesoonJinri based on contents of the four tenets of DaesoonJinri (EumYangHapDeok(陰陽合德), SinInJoHwa(神人調化), HaeWonSangSaeng(解冤相生), DoTongJinGyeong(道通眞境)).
DaesoonJinri attached a lot of importance to Taoism among traditional thought such as Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism. This study will check out the clues from the major texts of Taoism. To do this, this study kept an aye on the Taoism texts such as Laozi, Zhuangzi, Taipingjing, etc.
The significant implication of this study is only contextual similarities between DaesoonJinri and Taoism Philosophy. Therefore, this study will provide the preliminary data to researcher searching for the directly ideological contact point between DaesoonJinri and Taoism thought.