The Journal of Daesoon Academy of Sciences
The Daesoon Academy of Sciences

대순사상의 역학적 조명: 종지(宗旨)를 중심으로

Young-Jin Choi1,
1Sungkyunkwan University
Corresponding Author : Young-Jin Choi

ⓒ Copyright 2009, The Daesoon Academy of Sciences. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Received: Jun 26, 2009 ; Revised: Jul 22-29, 2009 ; Accepted: Aug 08, 2009

Published Online: Aug 25, 2009


The Four Tenets of Daesoon thought are the Creative conjunction of the virtues of Eum and Yang, the Harmonious union of divine beings and human beings, the Resolution of grievances for the mutual beneficence of all life and the Realization of the Dao in the world.

This article compares the concepts of the “Creative conjunction of the virtues of Eum and Yang”, the “Harmonious union of divine beings and human beings” and the “Resolution of grievances for the mutual beneficence of all life” with “EumYangDaeDaeRon”, “ShinMyonKiDeok”, the Theory of Mutual Giving Life / Mutual Destruction (SangSaeng/SangGeukRon) of the Book of Changes and analyzes their common and different points. The conclusion is that Daesoon thought and the philosophy of the Book of Changes share common fundamental standpoints. However, the Daesoon thought defines the world of SeonCheon (the state before the Heaven and Earth have been created) as Mutual Giving Life (SangSaeng), and the world of HuCheon (the state after the Heaven and Earth have been created) as Mutual Destruction (SangGeuk). According to Daesoon thought the Mutual Destruction (SangGeuk) is seen as negative, while according to the philosophy of the Book of Changes the Theory of Mutual Giving Live/Mutual Destruction (SangSaeng/SangGeukRon) is viewed as a positive relationship of EumYangDaeDae. This is a point of difference between the Daesoon thought and the philosophy of the Book of Changes. According to EumYangDaeDae relationship theory the contradictory “other” is viewed not as an enemy, but as a necessary element that assures one’s existence.

When Buddhism and Christianity first came to existence, they did not belong to a main stream. Later, through continuous theorization and systematization they became generally accepted religions. The case of Confucianism was not much different. During Song dynasty in China Buddhism has contributed to the systematization and establishment of Neo-Confucianism; in the middle of 20th century the Confucian scholars of Hong Kong and Taiwan interpreted and defined Confucianism a new in the light of Western philosophy. Thus the “Modern Neo-Confucianism” came to existence. That’s why the history of Confucianism is also called “the history of advancing and developing a concept”.

From this point of view the critical acceptance of some elements of Confucian, Buddhist, Taoist etc. traditions, as well as modern philosophy, by Daesoon, in order to achieve the systematization of Daesoon thought, is a very important process. As a part of this process, this essay explains the Daesoon thought from the point of view of the Book of Changes, which may be said to present the original East-Asian view of the world. Daesoon’s emphasis of human dignity, the equality of sexes, the critics the hierarchical society etc. are rather “modern” and should be examined from the point of view of social science. Besides, leaving the boundaries of “modern philosophy”, the concepts of “Harmonious union of divine beings and human beings”, viewing the universe as one organism etc. should be approached from the point of view of Post-Modernism.

Keywords: philosophy of the Book of Changes; Daesoon thought; Eum-Yang; Mutual Giving Life; Mutual Destruction; divine beings; human beings





















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